When Does Hair Loss Stop in Men?
Hair Loss in Men
Many men are faced with the problem of hair loss. Especially this condition, called male pattern hair loss, lasts until a certain age. People who are faced with this situation are also curious about the answer to a question such as when hair loss stops in men. If there is no chronic cause under hair loss, hair loss slows down and comes to a halt in the 40s. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that hair loss lasts until the 40s.
Hair loss is the first cause of baldness. Hair loss can be based on genetic factors or it can also be caused by non-genetic factors. Therefore, people should know these factors and act accordingly. Hair transplantation is also performed in cases where hair loss occurs. Nevertheless, it is highly important to see a doctor and have a hair transplant with the advice of your doctor. Although hair transplantation has many benefits, it also has risks. However, these risks can be minimized by following your doctor's recommendations and acting carefully. Risks can also be reduced by the professionalism of your doctor.
What Causes Hair Loss in Men?
There are some reasons for hair loss in men. These reasons can be listed as follows.
- Hair may fall out due to genetic factors.
- If you frequently use products such as hair spray, gel, etc., these products can also make your hair fall out. If you stop using these products, hair loss will stop.
- If you have hormonal imbalances, your hair may also fall out. Therefore, hair loss can stop as a result of hormonal treatment.
- Hair loss can also occur due to vitamin deficiency.
- Some skin diseases can cause hair loss. Treatment of these skin diseases will also result in hair loss.
As you can see, these are some of the conditions that cause hair loss. If these factors are treated, the question of when hair loss stops in men is also answered. However, in cases where genetic factors are effective, hair loss cannot be stopped. It can only be slowed down. This will mean postponing the baldness problem to a later time.
Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss treatment can be treated with hair transplantation if genetic factors are effective. In other words, in cases where hair loss is genetic, hair loss cannot be prevented, but the baldness problem can be corrected with hair transplantation. In the rest of the other reasons, hair loss stops if the factor causing hair loss is eliminated. Therefore, the elements necessary for treatment will also be realized.
If you want to bring a permanent solution to hair loss treatment, you should choose hair transplantation. Because hair transplantation provides a situation where your hair will not fall out again as well as regaining your old hair. This provides you with a permanent gain in self-confidence and a beautiful appearance. If you want to get more information from this article about hair loss and if you have a complaint in this direction, you should definitely go to a doctor and get professional support. If you provide this, there will be no risk in hair transplantation.