What Should Be Considered After Hair Transplantation?
What Should Be Considered After Hair Transplantation?
It is very important to pay attention to certain points for a successful recovery process after hair transplantation. Here are some important factors to be considered after hair transplantation:
- Lying position: On the first day of hair transplantation, it is recommended to have your head up and in a flat position. This helps to reduce swelling.
- Not Touching the Scalp: It is important not to interfere with the transplanted hair follicles for the hair to hold on. Be careful not to scratch or rub the scalp.
- Shampoo and Hair Care: In the first days, wash your hair only as recommended by the doctor and use a gentle shampoo.
- Sun Protection: The transplanted area should not be exposed to the sun. Protection from direct sunlight during the first few weeks accelerates healing.
- Postponing Heavy Physical Activity: Avoid exercise or heavy activities, as these activities can lead to swelling and risk of bleeding.
- Compliance with Medication and Treatment: It is important to use the medications recommended by the doctor regularly and attend follow-up appointments.
- Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol Use: Smoking and alcohol can negatively affect the healing process. It is recommended to stay away from these in the first weeks.
Is Hair Loss Normal After Hair Transplantation?
Hair loss after hair transplantation is generally a normal process. The transplanted hair follicles go through a resting phase for a while to adapt to a new environment and hair loss may occur during this period. This loss is called ‘shock loss’ and is usually temporary. After hair transplantation, hair follicles start to grow again and permanent results begin to appear within a few months. However, each individual's healing process is different, so experiencing hair loss is usually not something to panic about. Nevertheless, in case of any concerns about the process, it is always best to consult a specialist physician.
What are the Nutrition Recommendations to be Considered After Hair Transplantation?
The healing process after hair transplantation can be supported by a healthy diet. Here are the nutritional recommendations to be considered in this process:
- Protein-Orientated Nutrition: Since the hair structurally contains a large amount of protein, consuming high-protein foods (eg chicken, fish, eggs) contributes to the healing process.
- Vitamin and Mineral Support: Especially B group vitamins, vitamin C and minerals such as zinc are important for hair health and attention should be paid to the intake of these vitamins.
- Antioxidant Rich Foods: Foods rich in antioxidants such as olive oil, green vegetables, red fruits can help hair grow faster and healthier.
- Water Consumption: Adequate water intake is important for both skin and hair health, so water consumption should be taken care of.
- Avoiding Saturated Fats: Since oily and processed foods can negatively affect the healing process, such foods should be avoided.
- Avoiding Excess Salt Consumption: Excessive salt can lead to water retention in the body, which can make the healing process difficult, so salt consumption should be limited.
When Does Hair Start to Grow After Hair Transplantation?
When the hair starts to grow after hair transplantation is a process that varies from person to person. Generally, hair falls out in the first few weeks after transplantation; this is part of a normal healing process and is called ‘shock loss’. After this loss, the hair follicles enter a new growth process. Usually between 3 and 6 months, the hair starts to grow back. However, full results are seen between 12 and 18 months. It is important to be patient in this process because each individual's recovery speed is different. In addition, factors that can affect the rate of hair regrowth include genetics, age, health status and treatment methods used.
How is the Recovery Process After Hair Transplant Surgery?
The recovery process after hair transplant surgery usually consists of several stages. During the first few days, there may be swelling, pain and redness in the head area, but these symptoms decrease over time. Immediately after the surgery, it is important to pay attention to the care instructions given by the doctor so that the transplanted hair follicles can hold on. In about 10-14 days, the healing process becomes evident, the scabs begin to fall off and the patient can return to normal life. However, a period of 3-6 months is required for the transplanted hair to fall out and new ones to grow. It is necessary to be patient for a few months after hair transplantation before the hair grows completely. Paying attention to the care and follow-up appointments recommended by the doctor accelerates the healing process and helps to achieve a successful result.
Which daily activities should be avoided during the recovery period after hair transplantation?
During the healing process after hair transplantation, it is important to avoid several daily activities. Firstly, excessive physical activities, heavy sports and movements that will strain the head should be avoided for the first few weeks to protect the transplanted area from trauma. In addition, direct contact of water with the transplantation area for washing the hair should be avoided and expert recommendations should be followed in this regard. Activities involving high heat such as swimming, sauna, steam bath can also negatively affect the healing process, so they should be avoided. Similarly, exposure to direct sunlight, especially going out in the sun without taking any precautions to protect the scalp, should also be avoided. Such precautions are very important for a healthy healing process and successful long-term results.
When Do Swelling and Bruises Pass After Hair Transplantation?
Swelling and bruising after hair transplantation are usually seen in the first few days after the transplant procedure and are part of the natural healing process of the head. Swelling occurs as the scalp tissue heals and blood circulation returns to normal, usually peaking within 2-3 days and then slowly decreasing. Bruising, on the other hand, is caused by damage to blood vessels during hair transplantation and usually heals significantly within 1 week. Swelling and bruises usually resolve completely within 1-2 weeks, but the healing process of each individual may be different. Being patient and following the doctor's recommendations will help you get through this process more comfortably.