At What Age Does Hair Fall Out?
At What Age Does Hair Fall Out?
The answer to the question of how old hair falls out is of interest to people who have encountered hair loss or who think that it is genetically effective. While hair loss occurs at maximum speed between the ages of 25 and 35, it slows down in the 40s. However, hair loss starting in the 40s is also seen. Therefore, in this case, we can say that the age of hair loss varies depending on genetic factors. With hair loss, people experience baldness problem and baldness problem deeply affects people's self-confidence.
Therefore, the related problem should be treated with hair transplantation. This is the only way to replace the lost hair. However, this situation can be prevented in various ways at the beginning of the shedding situation. At this point, it is useful to know that hair loss caused by genetic factors cannot be prevented, but its speed can be slowed down.
You should consult the nearest health institution and doctor to find out why your hair loss problem is caused. It can be said that there is a solution to the related problems. However, every delayed disease can cause some permanent damage. For this reason, you should get a doctor's check-up without wasting time.
What are the Factors Affecting Hair Loss?
People who wonder the answer to the question of how old hair falls out also investigate the factors that are effective in hair loss. At this point, we can list the relevant factors as follows.
- The first factor we will count is genetic factors. The majority of hair loss is based on genetic factors. If this condition is present in your family and you are experiencing hair loss, you may be experiencing hair loss based on genetic factors. Nevertheless, you can get the most accurate result only with a doctor's control.
- Frequent use of chemicals such as hairspray, gel, briyantin etc. can also cause hair loss. Therefore, it is useful to use these products without exaggerating. Especially if you have used them, the hair should be washed at the end of the same day. Be sure to pay attention to such factors.
- You may also experience hair loss due to hormonal imbalances. With hormone treatment, hair loss will also end.
- Some skin diseases can directly cause hair loss. In this case, you should go to the dermatologist and be under a doctor's control as soon as possible.
- Finally, vitamin deficiencies are also known to cause hair loss.
- To learn about other factors, you should do plenty of research and consult your doctor.
Hair Loss Treatment
Although there are various treatment methods for hair loss, the most effective solution comes with hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a permanent solution for baldness that occurs after the hair loss problem. For this reason, people may turn to hair transplantation. Although other treatment methods stop hair loss, you need to have a hair transplant to replace the lost hair with new hair.
Hair transplantation has two different techniques, FUE and DHI. DHI is a non-technical method in which hair follicle extraction and transplantation are performed with the same pen. FUE is the name given to the technique that is applied in a very practical way and has been used for the last 20 years.