What are Afro Hair Transplantation Methods?
How Does Hair Transplantation Process Work?

Afro Hair Transplant

Afro/afroamerican hair transplantation, which is one of the most frequently asked questions and sought answers of recent times, is performed with the FUE method, which has been accepted worldwide and has been used for the last twenty years, although the degree of detail or difficulty is higher, which is due to the natural curliness of the hair structure of people of African origin, which is more difficult and requires finer details than people of Asian or European origin.

Depending on the hair loss pattern and skin structure, the specialist of the institution preferred for hair transplantation will decide which of the DHI and sapphire techniques that have developed over time within the FUE method will be applied.

Afro Hair Transplantation

The extraction process in afro hair transplantation is an important stage of the hair transplantation process that requires extra care due to the fact that the existing curly hair of people with afro hair type has a curled structure under the skin in the same way, which has a high impact on the success of afro hair transplantation results, although it does not require different methods or techniques, it should be performed by experts in afro hair transplantation.

A team whose speciality is afro hair will take the grafts from the nape area between the two ears without breaking the grafts and this will increase the success of the afro hair result.

The most important detail of Afro hair transplantation is that the grafts taken from under the skin during transplantation are taken and placed in accordance with the natural structure of the hair during the intake and transplantation phase. The retention of hair follicles in the skin is different from the structure of straight hair. For this reason, the most sensitive point of afro hair transplantation is to take the grafts according to the hair growth structure without breaking them and to perform the transplantation process in accordance with the hair growth structure.

The natural and hard curly hair structure specific to Africans is a situation that requires special sensitivity and care in hair transplantation due to the fact that the curls start under the skin. Since the hair transplantation process is more difficult for people of Asian and European origin, it is important for African people to consider the experience of the centre they apply to when they decide on hair transplantation.

When deciding on hair transplantation, regardless of origin and hair structure, it is important to consider the centre to be applied to.

Afro Hair Transplant Method

Hair transplantation in people with Afro hair structure is performed with FUE method as mentioned above. According to the hair and skin structure of the person, the suitability of the DHI or sapphire technique is evaluated by the expert team and the hair transplantation process is started. Although the transplantation process is more sensitive and difficult due to the hard and curly hair structure of people of African origin, the donor areas are highly dense and efficient compared to other origins. This means the success of the result.

Afro Hair Transplant Results

Hair loss, thinning or even localised balding is common in all origins and nations. This situation may occur from time to time due to genetic, stress-related or external factors. However, hair loss, retraction of the front line or thinning in the frontal areas can also be seen in African people - men and women - due to braiding or dreadlocks made with synthetic hair. Regardless of the reason, there is only one solution for everyone who complains of hair loss, thinning or thinning; hair transplantation procedure performed in the right place and by experts, experienced and experienced people in the field.

When all these conditions are met, there is no factor that will prevent afro hair transplantation results from being successful.

Frequently Asked Questions About Afro Hair Transplant

There is no difference between Afro hair transplantation and hair transplantation on straight hair. However, afro hair requires more care and experience for hair transplantation due to its structure. The natural hard and curly structure of the hair requires experience and expertise, especially during the extraction phase. Since the dense curly structure of the hair seen on the outside is the same under the skin, the extraction process requires more precision than other hair structures. It is possible to take the grafts in the curly structure without breaking, and to transplant them into the opened channels without breaking again, when it is done by people who are experts and experienced in afro hair.

For this reason, if you have this type of hair structure, we recommend you to see the results of afro hair transplantation performed before you in the centre you choose.

Afro hair transplantation is performed using the FUE method, which has been accepted all over the world for more than 20 years, has been successfully applied in our country for many years and is in demand all over the world. DHI and Sapphire techniques, which have developed over time within the FUE method, are also used in afro hair transplantation procedures, and which of these techniques will be used is determined by our specialist depending on the hair and skin structure.

The only important criterion to get a successful result in hair transplantation is to reach the right centre. The right centre will lead you to a successful result in afro hair transplantation with its expert, experienced team, smooth, trouble-free process and quality service.

Afro hair transplantation does not require different methods or techniques, it is performed with the FUE method, using the appropriate DHI or sapphire techniques depending on the type of hair loss. Therefore, the point to be considered is experience in this field. There is no reason for the hair transplantation procedure to be unsuccessful if it is started with a team that will take the hair follicles without damaging them and show the same care during the transplantation phase.

When the one-year process, which is the period of getting full results after the procedure, is completed, the hair will grow in accordance with the afro structure, and the person will have a hairy appearance without damaging the natural curly structure.

Regardless of ethnic origin, skin structure or hair type, it takes one year to get full results in hair transplantation.

In this one-year period, in afro hair transplantation, the first wash is done on the second day after the hair transplantation procedure. For 10 days, the hair is washed with light touches, at the end of the ten-day period, the crusts formed in the transplantation area are shed with a light hard massage and the hair has a short-cut appearance. Within 1-1,5 months after the procedure, shock spillage occurs as a result of the opened channels closing and breaking the hair strands, and the hair looks as if it has not been treated. Shock shedding is a normal process of hair transplantation. After the shock shedding is overcome, the hair starts to grow and in the average 4-5th months, 50% of the hair grows and the transplantation area has a hairy appearance. The hair continues to grow for the remaining 7-8 months and when the one-year process is completed, we get the result of the hair transplantation process.

Afro hair transplantation prices in Turkey may vary with many different factors such as the chosen organisation, the experience of the team that will perform the hair transplantation procedure, the quality of accommodation and transfer services.

For afro hair transplantation in Turkey, we, as First Class Esthetic, are waiting for you with our expert team, our partner clinic in accordance with hygiene conditions and health standards, our first-class accommodation and transfer services for our afroamerican guests with afro hair structure who prefer us from all over the world with our quality service, smooth, trouble-free process and accessible price policy.

As First Class Esthetic, we, as our name implies, work with our guests with afro hair structure who prefer us from Africa or anywhere in the world, in addition to our 15 years of experience, with a first-class service understanding, care and sensitivity, we focus on getting the most natural and beautiful result and with the same awareness, we continue our way by renewing and strengthening day by day, adding new, satisfied and happy people to our family. You can contact us to join our family.

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