Is It Possible To Transplant Hair From Someone Else?
The reason for the question of whether hair transplantation is possible from someone else is that the hair follicle cells to be taken from the nape area of people with very little hair do not help to cover the entire part specified as the scalp in some cases. In such cases, the question of whether I can only be transplanted with my own hair, or can transplantation be performed from someone else, causes confusion. Although there are studies in this direction, there is currently no such situation as transplanting hair taken from another person.
Although hair transplantation trials are carried out in twins because they have the same DNA codes, problems arise in some cases in them. Although it is not possible to transplant hair from another person today, very effective hair transplantation methods are available.
Hair Transplantation Process
Although a positive answer cannot be given to the question of whether it is possible to transplant hair from someone else, very successful hair transplantation techniques can be mentioned. The application of the hair transplantation procedure, which is decided by the specialist after the preliminary examination of the person with hair loss problem, is very safe and effective. The FUE method, which has become quite widespread in recent years and has been applied for about 20 years, can be stated as the most widely used and most successful method among hair transplantation methods.
Hair transplantation process; starting from the decision-making stage, it is evaluated in a wide scope that includes post-procedure steps.
Before the procedure, health information such as existing diseases and medications should be shared with the specialist in a complete manner. Aspirin and similar medications with blood thinning effect should be stopped some time before the procedure. In addition, the success of the procedure is increased by stopping alcohol intake before the period specified by the specialist.
After Hair Transplantation
There are very important factors to be considered after hair transplantation. Paying attention to these both eliminates the risk of complications and helps to have a comfortable process. After the transplantation process, the instructions to be followed for permanence and success are shared by the specialist before discharge.
After the transplantation procedure;
- Care should be taken not to touch water to the scalp within the period specified by the specialist
- Avoid direct exposure to rain for a period of about 2 weeks
- Very heavy sports and movements should not be done during the first 1 month
- If the procedure is performed in summer, sun protection should be provided during the summer season.
These points listed for you are the points that should not be neglected for the success of the hair transplantation process.
FUE method is a procedure performed under local anaesthesia in a sterile environment and should never be performed by non-specialists. Shock spillage may occur in 2-3 months after this procedure. This is not a situation to be feared. It will be healthy to get more detailed information by staying in contact with the specialist. When the 5th month is entered, the hair starts to grow. Afterwards, new hair continues to grow for a year.