What is FUE Hair Transplantation?
What are The Stages?

What is FUE Hair Transplant Technique?

FUE method hair transplantation is the most preferred hair transplantation method that has been spreading rapidly all over the world for the last 20 years. FUE method is defined as placing the grafts one by one into the channels opened in the area where the hair will be transplanted with the help of special micro devices by applying local anesthesia. The collected grafts contain approximately 2-3 hair strands. Each graft is considered to be approximately 2 - 2.5 hair strands. In an average session, 4,000 - 6,000 grafts, i.e. 8,000 - 12,000 hair follicles are obtained.

What are the Stages of FUE Hair Transplantation Method?

  1. Extraction: In the first stage, the grafts are taken one by one from the nape area between the two ears, which is called the donor area, with the help of a micro motor, protecting the hair follicles. At this point, it would be appropriate to share the following information; the reason why the hair in the nape area is preferred is that the hair in the nape area does not fall out due to its insensitivity to testosterone. In other words, it eliminates the possibility of shedding after the operation.
  2. Sequencing: At this stage, the hair follicles (grafts) taken from the donor area are separated according to the number of follicles and placed in a sterile environment in a special solution.
  3. Channel Opening: At this stage, channels are opened in the sparse or bald area where the grafts will be placed. It is important to open these channels at an angle of approximately 40-45 degrees in accordance with the direction of hair growth in order to achieve a natural appearance.
  4. Transplantation: In this last stage, the grafts waiting in solution in a sterile environment are taken and placed one by one into the opened channels. FUE Hair Transplantation time varies between 6-8 on average

What are the Advantages of the FUE Technique?

The most important advantage of the FUE technique is that it does not leave any stitches or obvious scars in the donor area as the hair follicles are removed one by one. Since this method is less invasive, the healing process is faster and the patient can return to daily activities in a short time. In addition, thanks to the FUE technique, the hair follicles in the donor area are collected more evenly and homogeneously, resulting in more natural and aesthetically successful results. Minimal scarring, low level of pain and discomfort are among other important advantages.

Who is FUE Hair Transplant Method Suitable for?

FUE hair transplantation is suitable for people who experience hair loss and face the problem of hair sparseness. Especially those who experience hair loss due to genetic reasons, the adequacy of hair follicles in a certain donor area and individuals with appropriate health status can benefit from this method. The FUE technique offers an effective solution for both men and women. It is also an ideal option for those who have experienced unsuccessful hair transplantation in the past or who want to minimize the scars after hair transplantation. This method provides natural and aesthetic results by taking healthy hair follicles and transplanting them to the area to be transplanted.

What are the Differences Between FUE Method and DHI Technique?

  • The FUE method is a more suitable method for hair transplantation in a large area, while the DHI technique allows working in a narrow area, so it is a technique of the FUE method that can be preferred for hair thickening or unshaven transplantation.
  • While the stages of the FUE method are extraction, alignment, channeling and transplantation, the channeling and transplantation applications in the FUE method are performed simultaneously while DHI technique hair transplantation is applied.

Recovery Process in FUE Method

Approximately 10 days after hair transplantation, the hair will give the appearance of being cut short. In a one-month period, shock shedding occurs and it looks almost untransplanted. Following this, the hair starts to grow slowly in the 5th month and continues to grow in the remaining period. Since the hair will continue to grow for a year, patience and trust in the team are very important in hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation is a very serious surgical procedure. It must be performed by specialists in a sterile environment with modern technical equipment suitable for hair transplantation. FUE method hair transplantation allows you to have natural and permanent hair when these conditions are met. Of course, after the hair transplantation procedure, the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the person who has hair transplantation plays a very important role in the successful outcome of the operation.

What Should Be Considered After FUE Hair Transplant?

Things to consider after FUE hair transplantation are of great importance for the procedure to be successful and the healing process to go smoothly. Here are some important points to be considered after FUE hair transplantation:

  • Medication Use: You should use the medications prescribed by your doctor regularly. Antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the risk of infection and provide a comfortable healing process.
  • First Night and Sleeping Position: It is important to sleep with your head upright on the first night. Use a high pillow to support your head and avoid putting pressure on the transplant site.
  • Hair Washing: The first wash after hair transplantation is usually done after 48 hours. Use special shampoos and lotions recommended by your doctor and wash your hair with gentle movements. Avoid harsh movements and hot water in the first weeks.
  • Physical Activities: Avoid heavy physical activity, sports and strenuous work for the first few weeks. Protect your head against the risk of head bumps and stay away from extremely hot environments to minimize sweating.
  • Clothing: Choose clothes with buttons or zippers for the first few days to protect your head. Clothing that must be worn over your head, such as a T-shirt, can damage the transplanted area.
  • Sun Protection: Avoid direct sunlight for the first few weeks. The sun can irritate the transplanted area and negatively affect the healing process. If necessary, use a hat to protect your head.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: A balanced diet and adequate water consumption support the healing process. Take care to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Check-ups and Follow-up: Be sure to go to the check-up appointments determined by your doctor. These checks are important for monitoring the healing process and early detection of possible complications.
  • Hair Loss After Hair Transplantation: It is normal for the transplanted hair to fall out in the first few weeks and make room for new hair to grow. Be patient and do not panic in this process.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption during the healing process. These substances can negatively affect blood circulation and slow down the healing process.

Hair Transplant Price with FUE Method in Turkey

FUE method In Turkey, is one of the most preferred and widely applied techniques in the field of hair transplantation. In the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area and transplanted to balding or sparse areas. This method is very popular due to its minimally invasive, fast healing process and natural appearance. Turkey is one of the world's leading centers for hair transplantation and is known for its quality services and experienced specialists.

The prices of the FUE method may vary depending on the technology used, the experience of the doctor and the needs of the patient. By offering high quality services at affordable prices, hair transplantation in Turkey has become a preferred destination for many patients from abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions

FUE hair transplantation is suitable for people who are experiencing hair loss, are in good general health and have sufficient donor hair. Both men and women can benefit from this procedure.

Since local anesthesia is applied during the procedure, pain is usually not felt. There may be slight discomfort or tenderness after the procedure, but this is usually short-lived.

The first transplanted hair usually falls out within 2-3 weeks. It can take 3-4 months for permanent hair to start growing and full results are usually seen within 12 months.

In the FUE method, hair follicles are removed one by one, while in the FUT method a strip of skin is removed from the donor area. While FUE leaves no scar, FUT may leave a small scar.

For the first few weeks, you should be gentle with the transplant site, avoid bumping your head, avoid heavy physical activity and follow the doctor's care instructions.

Yes, the transplanted hair will fall out in the first few weeks, this is normal. Permanent hair begins to grow in place of the lost ones.

It is generally suitable for people between the ages of 25-65. However, stabilization of hair loss is important for the permanence of the results.

1 Comment to “ What is FUE Hair Transplantation? What are The Stages?”

  1. Ahmet says :Reply

    How many grafts are maximum for hair transplantation?


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