What Is Genital Aesthetics? What Are The Types?

What is Genital Aesthetics?

Genital aesthetics includes surgical and medical procedures performed to correct deformities in the female genital area, to eliminate postpartum changes, to increase sexual pleasure and to give the vagina a younger and more aesthetic appearance. These procedures can be applied to both the inner and outer parts of the vagina.

Genital aesthetic operations help women feel more confident, increase harmony in their relationships with their partners and increase sexual satisfaction. Correcting aesthetic and functional problems in the genital area can significantly improve a woman's quality of life.

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the correction of the labium minora, the inner lips of the vagina, for aesthetic and functional purposes. This procedure is performed to improve the appearance of genetically enlarged, enlarged, sagging, misshapen or asymmetrical labia minora. Such deformities of the labia minora not only cause aesthetic discomfort, but can also cause physical discomfort when sitting, playing sports or during sexual intercourse.

How is Labiaplasty Performed?

During labiaplasty, the labia minora are shortened as much as possible and shaped in an aesthetic way. By removing excess tissue and making the labia symmetrical, the surgeon aims to improve both appearance and function. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia or using sedation. Postoperative recovery is usually quick and there is no scarring.

Who is Labiaplasty Suitable for?

Labiaplasty can be performed on women of all ages who have genital aesthetic concerns or who experience discomfort due to deformation of the labium minors. People who have not yet had sexual experience are also suitable candidates for this surgery. This procedure helps women increase their self-confidence by improving the appearance and function of the genital area.


It can also be defined as a vaginal tightening procedure. Vaginoplasty, which is used in the treatment of enlargement and enlargement of the vaginal walls due to reasons such as aging, normal childbirth, frequent sexual intercourse and abortion, is a type of genital aesthetics in which the mucous membrane and muscle tissue on the back wall are removed and the vagina is inserted into the vagina instead of the remaining part of the vagina to be sewn. It can be said that after vaginoplasty, the pleasure from sexual intercourse increases for both the woman and her partner and this has a psychologically positive effect on both parties. Vaginoplasty is the most popular and frequently used type of genital aesthetics.

What is Labia Majeuroplasty?

Labia majeuroplasty is a type of genital aesthetics applied to the labium majus area, known as the outer lips of the vagina. This procedure is performed to correct deformities caused by various reasons. Conditions such as tearing or stretching of the labia majora after childbirth, sagging due to weight gain, deformations caused by aging or genetically larger than normal labia majora may require labia majeuroplasty.

Labia Majeuroplasty Procedure

Labia majeuroplasty gives the labia minora a firmer and more aesthetic appearance. The procedure is also suitable for people who have not yet had sexual experience and there are no restrictions in this regard. This procedure, which is usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation, is preferred to increase patient comfort and speed up the healing process. The procedure time is usually short and patients can usually return home the same day.

Aesthetic and Functional Benefits of Labia Majeuroplasty

The benefits of labia majeuroplasty are as follows:

  • Aesthetic Appearance: It provides a firmer and more aesthetic appearance of the labia minora.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Increases a woman's self-confidence.
  • Personal Hygiene: It makes cleaning and hygiene of the genital area easier.
  • Sexual Pleasure: Helps increase sexual pleasure.
  • Clothing Comfort: Reduces the discomfort of tight clothes and underwear.
  • Psychological Well-Being: It positively affects the overall quality of life and psychological well-being.

What is Cliteroplasty?

Cliteroplasty, also known as clitoral aesthetics, is the surgical removal of excess tissue on the clitoris and suturing the remaining tissue with self-melting sutures. An oversized clitoris can cause discomfort, tenderness and even pain during sexual intercourse, which can negatively affect one's sexual life and lead to psychological distress.

For this reason, cliteroplasty aesthetics helps women increase their self-confidence, lead a more active and trouble-free sexual life, and improve their harmony with their partners. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation, which allows patients to be comfortable during the operation.

Cliteroplasty occupies an important place in the field of genital plastic surgery. The recovery time after surgery is usually fast and patients can return to their daily activities in a short time. This type of aesthetic intervention can improve women's overall quality of life by improving both their physical and emotional health.

What is Vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty can also be defined as a vaginal tightening procedure. It is a treatment method applied in cases where the vaginal walls expand due to reasons such as aging, normal birth, frequent sexual intercourse and abortion. Vaginoplasty is performed by removing the mucous membrane and muscle tissue on the back wall and suturing the remaining part of the vagina. This procedure provides a tighter and narrower structure of the vagina.

After vaginoplasty, it can be said that the pleasure of sexual intercourse increases for both the woman and her partner, and this has a psychologically positive effect on both parties. Vaginoplasty is one of the most popular and frequently used types of genital aesthetics. The procedure helps women to regain their self-confidence by improving the quality of their sexual life.

Vaginoplasty is usually preferred in the following cases:

  • Postpartum Changes: Expansion and loss of elasticity of the vaginal tissues during normal childbirth.
  • Aging: Weakening and relaxation of the vaginal muscles over time.
  • Sexual Activity: Expansion of vaginal tissues due to frequent sexual intercourse or other causes.
  • Abortion: Enlargement or deformation of the vagina after an abortion.

This operation is performed by a specialist surgeon under local or general anesthesia and is usually completed in a short time. Although the recovery process can vary from person to person, most patients can return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless of the type of genital aesthetics, at least 3 months must have passed after birth for the operation.

Especially the psychologically positive aspect of the vagina looking younger and fresher affects the patient in the most positive way in terms of sexuality.

Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 6 weeks after aesthetic genital surgery.

After genital aesthetic operations, the patient usually regains his/her health within 2 weeks. Mild bruising and swelling that may occur after surgery will disappear within this period. During this time, mild pain is normal and can be treated with painkillers prescribed by the doctor. On the third day after surgery, the patient can take a shower and return to work. Heavy and strenuous activities should be avoided within two weeks after genital aesthetic application.

Translated with (free version)

The development of the female genital area continues until the age of 20. For this reason, genital aesthetics should not be performed before the age of 20. There is no upper age limit, every woman with health requirements can have this procedure.

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