Things To Know About Breast Aesthetics (Mammoplasty)

What is Breast Aesthetics (Mammoplasty)?

Breast surgery is a surgical procedure performed today for both aesthetic and health reasons. It offers a healthy and successful solution for breasts that have not completed their development, are deformed after pregnancy, are asymmetrical, cause back pain due to their size or the patient is not satisfied with their appearance.

Mammoplasty includes different procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast lift. Breast augmentation is usually performed with silicone or saline implants, while breast reduction and lift involves removing excess tissue and reshaping the breast. These procedures allow patients to feel better about themselves and increase their self-confidence.

Breast aesthetics is preferred not only for aesthetic concerns, but also to eliminate health problems. Especially large breasts can cause back and neck pain, posture disorders and skin irritation. In such cases, breast reduction surgery can significantly improve patients' quality of life.

In addition, the recovery process after mammoplasty is also important. Patients should follow their doctor's recommendations, take proper care and carefully follow the healing process after surgery. This reduces the risk of complications and leads to better results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mammoplasty

The natural appearance of the breasts after mammoplasty depends on the surgeon's experience and the techniques used. Modern mammoplasty techniques aim to preserve the natural form and symmetry of the breasts. In order to achieve a good result, detailed preoperative planning and appropriate implant selection are important. The surgeon's competence and the patient's recovery process greatly affect the natural appearance of the results.

The ideal age for mammoplasty is usually 18 years and older. This is because the breasts have completed their full development. However, this age limit may vary according to personal development and needs. Especially in younger patients, the physical and psychological maturity of the patient can affect the success rate of the surgery. Many experts recommend that patients should have fully developed breasts and be informed about this before deciding on surgical intervention.

Scars may remain after mammoplasty, but the techniques used by the surgeon and the healing process affect how prominent these scars will be. Minimally invasive techniques and appropriate suturing methods can help make scars less visible. In addition, skin care during the healing process and the care methods recommended by the doctor can support the healing of the scars. Since each individual's skin type and healing process is different, the visibility of scars may vary depending on individual differences.

It is usually necessary to wait 4-6 weeks after mammoplasty to start playing sports. During this time, the body completes the post-operative healing process and the stitches have fully fused. While low-impact activities such as light walking are recommended for the first few weeks, the doctor's approval is required to start more intense and challenging exercises. Following the surgeon's instructions during the healing process reduces the risk of complications and ensures a healthy recovery.

The results obtained after mammoplasty are usually long-lasting, but their permanence depends on many factors. The shape and size of the surgically achieved breast may change over time due to factors such as aging, gravity, hormonal changes, weight gain and loss and pregnancy. In addition, in mammoplasties using implants, implants have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced at regular intervals. Therefore, regular postoperative follow-up and a healthy lifestyle can help maintain the results in the long term.

Types of Breast Surgery (Mammoplasty)

Breast augmentation (Breast Augmentation) Surgery

The most popular breast aesthetic surgery is breast augmentation. It is used for underdeveloped breasts that have remained small in relation to body size and structure or have shrunk after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that increases breast size and breast volume by placing a natural material, mainly made of silicone, called a prosthesis or implant under the breast tissue. These implants are inserted through the nipple, inframammary fold, underarm incisions or through the belly button. There are two types of implants, round and teardrop, in different sizes. The shape of the implant to be used is determined in consultation with the doctor according to the patient's wishes, taking into account breast and breast structure, height, weight and body measurements.

Reasons Why Women Have Breast Augmentation Surgery:

  • Deformation, sagging and shrinking of the breasts after pregnancy. This can negatively affect women's self-confidence in their bodies.
  • Disproportion of the breasts to the hips and waist of the person. This surgery is preferred to achieve a more balanced and aesthetic appearance.
  • Breasts that are too small and underdeveloped for their age and body structure. This can cause a lack of self-confidence, especially in young women.
  • Deformation after weight gain and loss. Frequent weight changes can affect the aesthetic appearance by distorting the shape of the breasts.
  • Asymmetrical breast size. Breasts of different sizes can make women feel uncomfortable.

What to Consider Before and After Breast Augmentation?

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. These substances can negatively affect the healing process.
  • It is necessary to stop taking blood thinners at least ten days before surgery. This is important to reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • You should not eat or drink anything 8 hours before surgery. This is necessary to avoid complications during anesthesia.
  • Patients under 40 should have an ultrasound beforehand and patients over 40 should have a mammogram. This is done to check the health of the breast tissue.
  • Heavy sports should not be practiced for 1.5 - 2 months after the operation. During this time, rest is important for the breast tissue to heal.
  • Do not drive for the first week after surgery, do not carry heavy loads for 3 weeks and do not stretch your arms upwards. This prevents damage to the surgical site.
  • Avoid sweating for the first 15 days. Sweating can increase the risk of infection.
  • Do not wear an underwire bra for at least 3 months. Such bras can negatively affect the healing of the breast tissue.

Frequently Asked Questions

A normal breast augmentation operation usually takes about 1.5 to 2 hours. This time may vary depending on the surgeon's experience and the complexity of the procedure.

The implant selected for breast augmentation is placed in the breast either through the inframammary fold, nipple, armpit or belly button. These methods are determined according to the preference of the surgeon and the patient.

The recovery process after breast augmentation surgery takes an average of 2-3 weeks, depending on the patient's recovery rate. During this time, it is important for patients to avoid certain activities and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Since breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain during the operation. If you make wrong movements after the operation, mild pain may occur, in which case mild painkillers can be used.

There are two types of breast augmentation implants: saline implants and silicone implants. The difference between these two implants is the filler they contain. Silicone implants are more preferred today because they provide a more natural look and feel.

There are two types of silicone implants: round and teardrop. Round implants have a spherical and regular shape. Teardrop implants have a fuller lower part and a flattened upper part, which gives a more natural look.

Of course, the patient can choose the implant shape herself. However, if the doctor recommends a different variant according to the breast structure and condition, it is recommended to follow the doctor's advice. In this case, it is best to rely on medical examination and diagnostic experience.

In this context, the patient's wishes as well as the doctor's advice are decisive. The size of the selected implant must be compatible with the patient's body structure and measurements. The shape is determined according to the doctor's recommendation and the patient's wishes according to the breast structure and deformation.

Since the surgery does not involve any intervention in the mammary glands and milk ducts and the implant is placed without touching the breast tissue or muscle, there is no obstacle to breastfeeding with breast implants.

Since the implants used in the surgery are silicone-based, there is no risk of damage or side effects. These implants are approved by the World Health Organization and are safe.

Postoperative care and following the doctor's instructions are very important for the durability of silicone implants. With proper care, the service life of silicone implants is estimated to be 20 years on average.

Yes, it is possible to replace the implant. The patient's aesthetic preferences may change over time; therefore, the previously used implant can be replaced with a larger or smaller one.

Most breast augmentation surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. However, it can also be performed under local anesthesia with sedation technique according to the patient's request.

The answer to this question depends on the patient's job. Patients with office jobs can usually return to work after a week of rest. For those with physically demanding jobs, this period may be longer.

Incisions in breast augmentation are usually in invisible places. During the healing process, the scars may initially be evident, but will fade and become less noticeable over time.

Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammaplasty)

Breast reduction surgery is performed to correct problems such as excessive sweating, skin rashes, back pain, neck pain, numbness in the arms, sagging or optical complaints such as change in appearance due to excessively large breasts. This is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and fatty tissue is removed to create a more aesthetic appearance. Breast reduction aims to improve patients' quality of life by reducing their physical discomfort. It also provides a more proportionate and aesthetic body appearance.

What to Consider Before and After Breast Reduction?

  • You should not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before the procedure.
  • You should not smoke for at least 10 days before the procedure and you should not drink alcohol for at least two days before the procedure.
  • For 10 days, blood thinners should be avoided.
  • You should not lie face down for 15 days after the procedure.
  • Shocks and vibrations should be avoided.
  • Avoid smoking for a faster healing process.
  • Avoid strenuous sports and carrying heavy loads
  • After surgery, the patient will feel lighter and quality of life will improve.

Why is Breast Reduction Performed?

Many breast reduction procedures are performed for aesthetic purposes to improve the patient's quality of life. Breasts that are disproportionately large for body structure and height can cause back, neck and arm pain, difficulty breathing or numbness in the hands. Due to their volume, they can cause problems such as skin irritation, rashes, eczema and fungus. In addition, large and heavy breasts can restrict physical activities and negatively affect the quality of life. Aesthetic concerns are also among the reasons why breast reduction surgery is frequently preferred; large breasts can distort the body proportions of the person and cause loss of self-confidence. Breast reduction surgery provides a smaller, lighter and body-proportionate breast appearance by removing excess tissue and skin, thus increasing both the physical relief and aesthetic satisfaction of the patients.

Breast Reduction Surgery Prices in Turkey

Turkey has shown a great development in the field of health tourism in recent years and has become a preferred destination worldwide, especially in aesthetic surgery. Breast reduction surgery is one of the most frequently demanded procedures in this field. Breast reduction surgery prices in Turkey may vary depending on many factors such as the techniques used, the experience of the surgeon, the equipment and location of the hospital. In addition, postoperative care services and length of hospital stay are among other factors that affect prices. Plastic surgeons in Turkey are trained at international standards and offer high quality services using advanced technologies. Therefore, patients who want to undergo breast reduction surgery in Turkey can both receive quality service and find economically viable options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Breast reduction surgery usually takes an average of 2.5 to 4 hours. This time may vary depending on the surgeon's experience and the complexity of the procedure.

During breast reduction, excess skin and fatty tissue are removed. Depending on the patient's convenience, this procedure is performed using a T-cut or Lollipop incision, thus reducing breast size and achieving an aesthetic appearance.

After the procedure, patients are usually kept overnight in the hospital for observation and can be discharged the next day. This period may vary depending on the patient's general health condition and the postoperative recovery process.

The patient is allowed to get up and eat about 4 hours after surgery. The recovery process varies from patient to patient; for one week after surgery, the patient should take antibiotics and painkillers recommended by the doctor. Dressings are changed twice in the first week and a soft support bra should be worn for eight weeks. After the second dressing change, the patient can cautiously return to daily life. Bruising and edema in the surgical area decrease after 2-3 weeks.

In addition to the technique used in the surgery, the patient's skin type and sensitivity also play a role in scarring. In some patients, scars may be more prominent, while in some patients, scars may fade over time and become unnoticeable.

Since the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, no pain is felt during the operation. Postoperative pain varies from patient to patient and can be alleviated with painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

After surgery, patients should usually rest for a week and then can return to work. However, this period may be longer for patients with physically demanding jobs.

After surgery, patients should follow the doctor's instructions and pay attention to diet and excessive weight gain. During pregnancy, breasts can also grow back, so these factors should be taken into consideration.

Patients under 18 years of age are not suitable for breast reduction surgery. There is no upper age limit for breast reduction surgery, the procedure can be performed as long as the patient's health condition permits.

According to research, removing excess tissue in the breast reduces the risk of cancer and therefore breast reduction surgery does not pose a cancer risk.

Since breast reduction surgery does not require any intervention in the mammary glands or breast tissue, there are no restrictions on breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is possible after surgery.

If the breasts have not yet reached the desired shape after the first operation, a second breast reduction surgery can be performed. There should be at least one year between the two operations.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to restore a more youthful and aesthetic appearance to breasts that sag and lose their shape due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss. During this surgery, the breast tissue is reshaped and the nipple is moved higher. A breast lift not only provides an aesthetic appearance, but also boosts patients' self-confidence and helps relieve physical discomfort. The surgery is customized to each individual's needs and is usually performed under general anesthesia.

How is a Breast Lift Performed?

Breast lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to restore a more youthful and aesthetic appearance to breasts that sag and lose their shape due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss. During this surgery, the breast tissue is reshaped and the nipple is moved higher. A breast lift not only provides an aesthetic appearance, but also boosts patients' self-confidence and helps relieve physical discomfort. The surgery is customized to each individual's needs and is usually performed under general anesthesia.

What Should Be Considered Before And After Breast Lift?

  • As with all surgical procedures, you should quit smoking at least ten days before surgery and avoid alcohol for at least two days before surgery. This allows your body to recover faster and healthier.
  • You should not eat or drink anything 8 hours before the procedure. This is important to prevent complications during anesthesia.
  • You should avoid taking blood thinners for at least 10 days before the procedure. This reduces the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
  • Do not lie face down/sleep for 15 days after the procedure. This position may put pressure on the surgical site and may negatively affect the healing process.
  • Shocks and vibrations should be avoided. Such movements may cause the stitches to open or be damaged.
  • Smoking should be avoided for a faster healing process. Smoking increases the risk of complications by reducing the body's healing capacity.
  • Strenuous sports and heavy lifting should be avoided. These activities can cause sutures to open or wound healing to deteriorate in the postoperative period.

Breast Lift Surgery Prices in Turkey

Breast lift prices vary from clinic to clinic. If an augmentation or reduction is performed at the same time as the breast lift, the costs are assessed differently. During the consultation, the patient will be informed about the costs incurred by the doctor. Please contact us for detailed information and price requests.

Frequently Asked Questions

After the breast lift, the first night the patient stays in the clinic for observation. On doctor's advice, the patient should keep arm movements to a minimum for an average of one week after the operation. Edema and bruises heal within 5-10 days. During this procedure, a soft bra without underwire recommended by the doctor should be worn for 6 weeks.

After a breast lift, a rest period of about a week is recommended, especially since arm movements should be restricted. Shocks and vibrations should be avoided. After one week, the patient can return to work, but should avoid strenuous activities.

You should not do any sports for the first two weeks after the procedure, then you can start light sports. Sports with a lot of arm movements should be avoided for now. 5 weeks after the procedure, the patient can continue sports as usual.

The breast takes its final shape about 6 months after surgery. During this time, shocks and vibrations should be avoided and the doctor's recommendations should be followed.

Yes, since the mammary glands and breast tissue are not interfered with during the operation, there is no obstacle to breastfeeding. This is one of the advantages of the surgery.

Breast augmentation or reduction is possible during a breast lift. If the breasts to be enlarged or reduced are saggy and deformed, this will be recommended by the treating doctor during the consultation.

Scar formation after breast lift depends on the patient's skin sensitivity, habits and the technique used. If the skin is sensitive and the patient smokes, a slight scar may remain. However, this scar does not spoil the new general appearance of the breast and fades over time.

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